True Stories from High Performers just like you
What you’re about to read are true stories from past clients who, just like you, started with a hunch that there was something they could be doing to strengthen their mindset. With the right guidance and support, they made a series of life changing self discoveries and couldn’t be more excited to share their experiences with you below.

What started with a casual enquiry for a mental block around working in front of camera led to a profound journey of change which allowed me to make the shift from introverted hustle-preneur stuck overworking within the business to the CEO who works on the business and sets boundaries for time to work on myself. I’ve since joined a supercar club here in Dubai which has always been a dream of mine whilst seeing faster revenue growth. This would not have become true so quickly without the work I did with Kyran at Total Mental Performance.
Adam Hayley, Founder/CEO at Online Trainer Education

Soppy text incoming… I just wanted to say I don’t think you realise how incredible the help you have given me has been. I cannot believe that 8 weeks ago I was stressed 24/7, had a break down and had thoughts of not wanting to be here anymore and now today waking up feeling happy, de stressed, taking days off and still running my business well or even better than it was, I literally did not ever think i would feel daily joy again 👌 thank you 🙏 Being able to accept changes & deal with anxiety is feeling incredible. Overwhelmed isn’t even a feeling anymore.
Anna Moon, Founder at Train with Anna

Even though externally business was in a good place turning over £14,000 monthly I actually started working with Kyran at TMP for social anxiety which had been hold me back personally. Having shifted that and then stumbling upon a deep rooted not good enough feeling/belief even with the external success I already had, we had a world shaking session which helped me get out of my own head / insecurity and charge 50% more for our service with 30 minutes after the session. Which I now realise I had been undercharging due to my mindset before. Fast forward 4 months later and we’ve just turned over £40,000, which wouldn’t have been possible so quickly without TMP and mindset shift I’ve made.
Simon Johnson, Founder at Aesthetic Strength

Before working with TMP, I was scared that the business wasn’t going to do well, I was scared that I wasn’t good enough, and that anxiety would forever be a part of my life. I didn’t quite realize how much my imposter syndrome was stopping me from doing everything… so it was freeing. [TMP Coach] Kate and I worked on my imposter syndrome and it was an absolute game-changer. It’s been great and I’m very grateful. I feel quite limitless with what I’m trying to achieve. I don’t feel as boxed in.
Petrina Byrne, Online Fitness Trainer

A strange guilty feeling around money was impacting my ability to close high-value clients. Understanding the event from when I was younger that was causing guilt and shame when it came to both asking for and receiving money from new clients which was exhausting. With Kyran’s help at TMP I have let this go which means I now close more clients at my highest price ever.
Louis Calvert, Founder of Coach Calvert

I had my best intake since starting coaching, filled my 5 slots from my latest promotion and still 4 calls booked in Thursday! I’m feeling very more stable, [TMP’s] guidance has helped massively… just giving me simple methods to deal with things rather than let things spiral out of control. I think without your coaching I’d still be in a hole now to be honest. Slowing down and stopping to appreciate the small wins has made a difference to my confidence levels. Anxiety levels have dropped a lot as well.
Seth Moran, Online Fitness and Aesthetics Coach

One of the biggest things is the mindset: not feeling like I have to go, go, go all the time. And that it’s okay to actually appreciate the progress I’ve made. Instead of asking, “okay, what do I have to do? what’s the next thing?”
Leah Hollingsworth, Lift with Leah Coaching

When we started, I had this crazy fear that everything I had built was going to somehow disappear and things would fall apart with my business. Now, 7 months later, I’ve almost doubled my business income since then, while finding what I believe to be the perfect work/life balance for me. I’m so much more focused on what I need to do to continue growing my business, but more importantly, I’m actually enjoying the process without that irrational fear in the back of my mind 24/7. Can’t thank you enough for all your help so far, here’s to the next 7 months of growth!
Kevin Hoare, Founder of KH Fitness

Before [my business] was very erratic and fast-paced with no real traction or progress. Everything was just sort of a mess. People were coming through the doors but it was very up-and-down. Now I have more self-belief in me, the coaching, the results. There’s a lot more gradual flow of clients, better quality, and things are a lot more relaxed now.
Sam Meade, Fat Loss Expert
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You’ve just read about the incredible results of some of our clients, people who shared your same challenges but also your goal of taking back control of your mindset and hitting exponential personal growth. Their journey from where you are to where you want to be started with a single step, and for a short time, we’re excited to offer that same opportunity to you. If you’re ready to get started, click the button below.
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