What Our clients have to say...
Ben Hawksworth
“Enabled me to not only feel better but to perform better.” – @benhawksworth_
Ciara Rossi
“If you want to become a better person, if you want to find out a little bit more about yourself, you need to do the work.” – @ciara_rossi
Evie Dawson
“Right now. If you’re running a business, you’re trying to work on yourself, you need somebody else from an outside perspective who is actually qualified to be able to help you work through those mental blocks.” – @evieteamedc
Neil Shoney
“I’ve invested ALOT of money in business. By far the best I’ve ever spent, through productivity alone.” – @neilshoneymac
Claire O’Sullivan
“I feel more confident, at ease, calmer and convicted in my message and in my mission.” – @claireosullivan_coaching
Nikki Antonaccio
“I can now look back after the work i’ve done with TMP and with Kate and be grateful for all of that and understand it because I know I wouldn’t be the person I am today without it.” – @nikkiantonaccio_nutrition
Keegan Hirst
“I really appreciate you so much. This has unlocked new levels that I knew was in there but I didn’t know how to get there.” – @keeganhirst
Marc Rhodes
“The TMP programme will revolutionise your business and quite frankly change your fucking life.” – @marc_rhodes_htk
Luke Menzies
“If I could pay for every single person who has struggled with what I have to come to you, I would pay a thousand times over.” – @ridgewwe
Lewis McFarlane
“Since working with Kyran the team at TMP I have really gained clarity to the waves in my mind and allowed myself to expand my vision.” – @lewismcfarlanecoaching
Dean Hammond
“I would pay ten times over for the clarity that Kyran has given me.” – @coach_dean_hammond
Ruchita Davda
“I wouldn’t be enjoying my work as much as I do or where I am without TMP. Even my family notice the difference.” – @trainwithchita
Tom MacMillan
“Couldn’t recommend working with TMP enough, it might just change your life like it did mine.” – @tommac_scale
Simon Johnson
“TMP took me from being a boy to a man. I would not be where I am today without them.” – @simonjohnsonfitness
Georgie Baker
“So much more comfortable with who I am, what I’m doing and where I’m going.” – @georgiegyms
Vimal Patel
“Thank you very much for helping me to get to where I am.” – @vimalpatelonlinetraining
Suneil Khakar
“I strongly recommend it because it’s only going to take you to a better place.” – @professor_pilates
Sam Yearsley
“I find myself at peace with day to day life, with who I am, with what I do.” – @coach_sam_yearsley
Josh Maddison
“From where I was to where I am now is a completely different person, and I’m really looking forward to the future.” – @joshtmaddison_
Jaleel Siddiqui
“Every TMP member will say the same that they wish they had started sooner.” – @coachjel_
Eoghan McCabe
“Definitely reach out take the first step and get involved.” – @eoghanmccabe11
Cammy Anderson
“If you’re thinking about making some changes and you’re really serious about making changes, TMP will help you.” – @cammyanderson_coach
Nick Screeton
“It goes far further than just the business side of things. This experience will change your life.” – @lepfitness_
Nick Carpenter
“It’s an investment into myself and I really appreciate the work that you put in.” – @naughtynick94
Alice Blackledge
“It was the best thing I ever did. I would not be in the place I am now. Business, personal well-being, everything. If I hadn’t joined.” – @aliceblackledge
Louis Plumridge
“I feel much more at peace with myself and I am much more aware of where my energy is at.” – @louis_plumridge_htk
Louiza Segouini
“TMP really helped me to focus on my own values. What’s important to me and helped me build my life around the things I enjoy doing.” – @louizasegouini
Ellen Louise
“Kyran and the team at TMP really do just want the best for everyone that they work with.” – @ellenlouisefitness
Jack Jacques
“So worth it. The freedom I have now psychologically, emotionally and physically is priceless.” – @jjtransformations
Damian Schecter
“The greatest investment in my entire life. I don’t say that lightly either.” – @damian_theallrounder
Sam Marriott
“I don’t even think about the money I invest. I’m a Better man, leader, coach, business owner, teacher, easy sell.” – @sammarriottpt
Jonathan Kirk
“I wouldn’t be enjoying my work as much as I do or where I am without TMP. Even my family notice the difference.” – @jkphysique
Kyle Topping
“I now have a new level of confidence, clarity and control vs perfectionism and fear of failure.” – @trainedbytopping
Thomas Alexander
“Absolutely changed my life. The confidence to tackle anything and up my prices.” – @thomasalexander_coaching
Archie Gravenor
“TMP is a place to be open, a place to be honest, a place to leave your ego at the door and a place to be vulnerable. In our world now , we don’t get to do that much.” – @archie.optimised
Fiona Livingstone
“I now understand how my brain works, that has been absolutely life changing for me” – @fionalivingstonefitness
Yoni Sharp
“Dealing those feelings I didn’t know how to deal with has given me such clarity and confidence” – @yoni_sharp
Sam Meade
“Now I have more self-belief in me, the coaching, the results. There’s a lot more gradual flow of clients, better quality, and things are a lot more relaxed now.” – @sammeade_
Leah Hollingsworth
“TMP has helped me master my mindset and instead of having to go go go all the time. So much calmer.” – @leah_undivided
Petrina Byrne
“Kate and I worked on my imposter syndrome and it was an absolute game-changer. I feel quite limitless and less boxed in” – @pbfitness_1
Kevin Hoare
“I had this crazy fear that everything I had built would disappear. I’m so much more focused, I doubled my business and have so much more balance.” – @kevin_khfitness
Seth Moran
“With out TMP’s coaching I’d still be in a hole. TMP’s guidance has helped me massively.” – @seth84london